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CloudStack Releases

The CloudStack community maintains two types of releases; the main releases and the LTS (Long Term Support) releases. The LTS releases receive bug and security fixes for a period of 18 months after the main release (for more details click here). The main releases receive only critical bug fixes for a short period. The general expectation is that the users of the main version will upgrade to a new version in order to receive fixes.

Looking for other versions of Apache CloudStack? You can find them in our archives page and under GitHub releases.

Source Releases

Apache CloudStack's most recent release is This is current CloudStack LTS release.

Get the Source KEYS PGP SHA512

Full release notes can be found in the version Release Notes website.

Instructions for building from source and installing Apache CloudStack can be found in the Installation Guide. Instructions for building from source and upgrading from a previous version of CloudStack to Apache CloudStack can be found in the upgrade section of the Release Notes (see above).

The latest CloudStack LTS maintenance release is as part of the previous LTS release.

Get the Source KEYS PGP SHA512

Full release notes can be found in the version Release Notes website.

Instructions for building from source and installing Apache CloudStack can be found in the Installation Guide. Instructions for building from source and upgrading from a previous version of CloudStack to Apache CloudStack can be found in the upgrade section of the Release Notes (see above).

Community Packages

For easier installation or upgrades, the official source code release has been supplemented by community members who have chosen to provide package repositories that also include noredist libraries:

Experimental ARM64 packages:

Old repositories for distros eached EOL:

Instructions for using these community provided repositories can be found in the Configure Package Repository section of the Installation Guide.

Additional downloads:

3rd Party Packages

Apache CloudStack (noredist) packages and downloads by ShapeBlue:

CloudMonkey Releases

Apache CloudStack's CloudMonkey tool is a CLI and shell environment designed for interacting with CloudStack-based clouds. For installing, upgrade, usage, please see the documentation wiki.

Source Release

CloudMonkey's current release is v6.4.0.

Get the 6.4.0 Source KEYS PGP SHA512

Binary Builds Release

For easier installation or upgrades, the official source code release has been supplemented by community members who have pushed the binary to the Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey GitHub release page.

CloudStack Go-SDK

The CloudStack Go-SDK provides CloudStack API client and binding enabling Go programs to interact with CloudStack in a simple and uniform way. The CloudStack Go-SDK is widely used by several projects such as:

The community-maintained releases are published directly as the project GitHub releases for every CloudStack major release:

CloudStack Terraform Provider Release

The CloudStack Terraform Provider allows Terraform users to manage and use CloudStack. The documentation is available here.

Source Release

The current release is v0.5.0.

Get the v0.5.0 Source KEYS PGP SHA512

Using Terraform Registry

Users can use the CloudStack Terraform provider directly using the registry:

Binaries are also available at project releases page:

CloudStack Kubernetes Provider Release

The CloudStack Kubernetes Provider allows Kubernetes users to facilitate Kubernetes deployments on CloudStack. Documentation is available here.

Source Release

The current release is v1.1.0.

Get the v1.1.0 Source KEYS PGP SHA512

Docker Release

The CloudStack Kubernetes Provider is published as a docker image and available for users at:

Verifying Downloads

It's essential that you verify the integrity of the downloaded files using the PGP or SHA512 signatures. The PGP signatures can be verified using PGP or GPG. First download the KEYS as well as the asc signature file for the relevant distribution. Make sure you get these files from the main distribution directory, rather than from a mirror. Then verify the signatures using:

$ gpg --import KEYS
$ gpg --verify apache-cloudstack-X.X.X-src.tar.bz2.asc apache-cloudstack-X.X.X-src.tar.bz2


$ pgp -ka KEYS
$ pgp apache-cloudstack-X.X.X-src.tar.bz2.asc


$ pgpk -a KEYS
$ pgpv apache-cloudstack-X.X.X-src.tar.bz2.asc

Please see CheckingSignatures for a more extensive explanation of the pgp verification.

Additionally, you can verify the SHA512 signatures on the files, by performing:

$ sha512sum --check apache-cloudstack-X.X.X-src.tar.bz2.sha512

Archived Releases

You can find links to all the releases of Apache CloudStack on the archives page.