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Jamie Pell

IT solution providers need to satisfy the demand for the delivery of diverse services in the short-term. Time-to-market when offering IT solutions, IaaS or just provisioning infrastructure is a key factor for the company’s competitiveness. This requires companies to utilize tools capable of providing the agility to deliver new features, scalability, and infrastructure anywhere almost instantly.

Jamie Pell

Apiculus is a fully integrated and re-brandable public cloud management software for ISPs, data centres and telcos that combines cloud monetisation, customer lifecycle and infrastructure management into a single pane of glass. Apiculus is an all-in-one technology platform that combines infrastructure management, cloud service management, customer lifecycle management, and an integrated solution for the cloud providers in the Edge market.

Apiculus is developed by IndiQus Technologies, an India-based cloud solutions company that has set up and managed over 25 public, private and hybrid clouds globally.

Jamie Pell

CloudStack European User Group 2023 took place on the 4th May. The event, organised by Apache CloudStack community members was held in Cifas, London.

For those who were not able to attend in-person, the event was live-streamed on Apache CloudStack’s YouTube channel.

The Apache CloudStack community is grateful to the events sponsors for supporting the event and helping make it a reality – ShapeBlue, Your.Online and StorPool.

This blog shares the session recordings and descriptions for those who were not able to attend.

Ivet Petrova

Rohit Yadav

The CloudStack Community is happy to announce Rohit Yadav as the new VP of the Apache CloudStack Project and PMC chair. After a year of success in which Simon Weller chaired the project, we are now excited to welcome Rohit, who is a long-term contributor to the project. He has a strong technology background and has been engaged in the open-source world for more than a decade, during which he contributed to multiple other open-source projects.

In this interview, you will be able to learn more about Rohit Yadav and see his perspective on the VP's role and how he can contribute to the Apache CloudStack project evolution.

Ivet Petrova

For the first year, the Apache CloudStack Community has participated at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon- the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference, which gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities. It has been a fantastic opportunity for us to represent our technology on the global stage, and meet engineers, DevOps and infrastructure experts. Community members have had the pleasure of running attendees through multiple CloudStack demos and answering their many questions about the open-source cloud management solution. We also had the opportunity to share the pitfalls, hacks, learnings, and key takeaways from our journey to develop CAPC – the CAPI Provider for Apache CloudStack.

Ivet Petrova

It is day 3 at CloudFest. Apache CloudStack exhibiting at the conference has been nothing short of fantastic. Community members representing the technology have had the chance to meet many like-minded people and showcase the power of the leading open-source IaaS management solutions.

Ivet Petrova

Today marks the second day of CloudFest, the #1 internet infrastructure event in the world. As you may know, Apache CloudStack is an exhibitor at the conference, with a number of community members representing the technology and community.