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Apache CloudStack Weekly News - 25 March 2013

acwn-icon.pngApache CloudStack has graduated from the Apache Incubator! The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) board met on Wednesday (March 20) and voted in favor of the project's graduation from the incubator. The official announcement was released on Monday, March 25, 2013.

Of course, that's not all that's happened. in the past week. Work on the 4.1.0 release continues, with the first RC date slipping slightly due to the number of blocker bugs. The good news is that a lot of progress has been made on the blocker bugs in the past week, so things don't appear to be too far behind.

With the graduation, note that locations have changed for many resources (including the git repository) and the list address have changed as well. For instance, is now See the full list of address here on

Want to keep reading the CloudStack Weekly News? See the next section for information on how to contribute.

Contributing to the Apache CloudStack Weekly News

If you have an event, discussion, or other item to contribute to the Weekly News, you can add it directly to the wiki by editing the issue you want your item to appear in. (The next week's issue is created before the current issue is published - so at any time there should be at least one issue ready to edit.) Alternatively, you can send to the cloudstack-dev mailing list with a subject including News: description of topic or email the newsletter editor directly (jzb at, again with the subject News: description of topic. Please include a link to the discussion in the mailing list archive or Web page with details of the event, etc.

Major Discussions

Some of the major discussions and issues that have taken place on dev@, marketing@, and users@ in the past week. This is by no means exhaustive, if you need to be up-to-date on all development issues in the project, you'll definitely want to be subscribed to the mailing lists! Remember if it didn't happen on the mailing list, it didn't happen also means that participants are expected to keep current with the mailing lists, or expect decisions to be made in their absence.


Chip Childers announced on Wednesday that the board has passed the graduation resolution. And there was much rejoicing!

Baremetal Booted from 4.1.0

The bare metal support in Apache CloudStack 4.1.0 had a number of blockers against it that meant it was unlikely to be of release quality. A patch has been applied to disable the functionality.

System VMs Optional for QuickCloud

Chiradeep Vittal has proposed making the system VMs optional to allow a cloud to start faster.

BVT for CloudStack Check-ins

Prasanna Santhanam provided an update on the BVT work this week. Prasanna says "this work is now on the bvt branch. Since this puts together python and maven which don't seem to interact in a friendly way I'd like some help testing in other developer environments to fix possible failures."

Using Lanyrd to Track Apache CloudStack Events

On the marketing@ list, Joe Brockmeier proposed using Lanyrd to track Apache CloudStack events rather than trying to use the wiki or a static page on the Apache CMS site. You can find the events tagged with Apache CloudStack on Lanyrd's Apache CloudStack topic page and add new events to that topic. Note that an event need not be exclusively about Apache CloudStack, but should have one or more talks about Apache CloudStack at the event and/or speakers from the project.

CloudStack Planet - Posts from the CloudStack Community

  • Meeting the Hometown LUG: Joe writes about presenting a CloudStack talk for the St. Louis Linux Users Group (STLLUG) last week.

Upcoming Events

  • Apache CloudStack Introductory Webinar - Joe Brockmeier and Kirk Kosinski will be conducting an introductory Apache CloudStack webinar, "Apache CloudStack: API to UI" on Thursday, March 28th at 9 a.m. Pacific.
  • Storage in Apache CloudStack being held by the CloudStack SF Bay Area Users Group on March 28, 2013. Location TBD, sign up on the Website.
  • Apache Hackathon at PES Institute of Technology being held by the Bangalore Chapter of CloudStack India on March 30, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Sign up on the Website.
  • Sebastien Goasguen will be at the Scotland JAVA User Group on March 27th, 2013 in Edinburgh, introducing CloudStack.
  • Sebastien Goasguen will give a lightning talk at the CloudCamp Scotland on March 28th, 2013 in Edinburgh, talking about SDN in CloudStack.
  • CloudStack Introduction and Basics - The inaugural meeting of the CloudStack NYC User Group will be Wednesday, April 10th in New York City. Sign up on
  • UK/European CloudStack user group meet-up will be April 11th in London.


Excellent progress on issues in the last week. 4.1.0 is currently down to 3 blocker bugs, 10 critical, and 148 major bugs.

New Committers and PPMC Members

  • Hiroaki Kawai was invited to become a committer and has accepted.
  • Ahmad Emneina was invited to become a committer and has accepted.
  • Geoff Higginbottom was invited to become a committer and has accepted.