Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
accesskey | S3 access key | true |
bucket | Name of the storage bucket | true |
endpoint | S3 endpoint | true |
secretkey | S3 secret key | true |
connectiontimeout | Connection timeout (milliseconds) | false |
connectionttl | Connection TTL (milliseconds) | false |
maxerrorretry | Maximum number of times to retry on error | false |
s3signer | Signer Algorithm to use, either S3SignerType or AWSS3V4SignerType | false |
sockettimeout | Socket timeout (milliseconds) | false |
usehttps | Use HTTPS instead of HTTP | false |
usetcpkeepalive | Whether TCP keep-alive is used | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
id | the ID of the image store |
details | the details of the image store |
name | the name of the image store |
protocol | the protocol of the image store |
providername | the provider name of the image store |
scope | the scope of the image store |
url | the url of the image store |
zoneid | the Zone ID of the image store |
zonename | the Zone name of the image store |