Apache CloudStack v4.8.0 Root Admin API Reference
Adds a F5 BigIP load balancer device
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
networkdevicetype | supports only F5BigIpLoadBalancer | true |
password | Credentials to reach F5 BigIP load balancer device | true |
physicalnetworkid | the Physical Network ID | true |
url | URL of the F5 load balancer appliance. | true |
username | Credentials to reach F5 BigIP load balancer device | true |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
ipaddress | the management IP address of the external load balancer |
lbdevicecapacity | device capacity |
lbdevicededicated | true if device is dedicated for an account |
lbdeviceid | device id of the F5 load balancer |
lbdevicename | device name |
lbdevicestate | device state |
physicalnetworkid | the physical network to which this F5 device belongs to |
privateinterface | the private interface of the load balancer |
provider | name of the provider |
publicinterface | the public interface of the load balancer |