Apache CloudStack v4.8.0 Domain Admin API Reference
Updates a template visibility permissions. A public template is visible to all accounts within the same domain. A private template is visible only to the owner of the template. A priviledged template is a private template with account permissions added. Only accounts specified under the template permissions are visible to them.
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
id | the template ID | true |
accounts | a comma delimited list of accounts. If specified, "op" parameter has to be passed in. | false |
isextractable | true if the template/iso is extractable, false other wise. Can be set only by root admin | false |
isfeatured | true for featured template/iso, false otherwise | false |
ispublic | true for public template/iso, false for private templates/isos | false |
op | permission operator (add, remove, reset) | false |
projectids | a comma delimited list of projects. If specified, "op" parameter has to be passed in. | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
displaytext | any text associated with the success or failure |
success | true if operation is executed successfully |