Apache CloudStack v4.8.0 Domain Admin API Reference
Updates attributes of a template.
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
id | the ID of the image file | true |
bootable | true if image is bootable, false otherwise; available only for updateIso API | false |
details | Details in key/value pairs using format details[i].keyname=keyvalue. Example: details[0].hypervisortoolsversion=xenserver61 | false |
displaytext | the display text of the image | false |
format | the format for the image | false |
isdynamicallyscalable | true if template/ISO contains XS/VMWare tools inorder to support dynamic scaling of VM cpu/memory | false |
isrouting | true if the template type is routing i.e., if template is used to deploy router | false |
name | the name of the image file | false |
ostypeid | the ID of the OS type that best represents the OS of this image. | false |
passwordenabled | true if the image supports the password reset feature; default is false | false |
requireshvm | true if the template requres HVM, false otherwise; available only for updateTemplate API | false |
sortkey | sort key of the template, integer | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
id | the template ID |
account | the account name to which the template belongs |
accountid | the account id to which the template belongs |
bootable | true if the ISO is bootable, false otherwise |
checksum | checksum of the template |
created | the date this template was created |
crossZones | true if the template is managed across all Zones, false otherwise |
details | additional key/value details tied with template |
displaytext | the template display text |
domain | the name of the domain to which the template belongs |
domainid | the ID of the domain to which the template belongs |
format | the format of the template. |
hostid | the ID of the secondary storage host for the template |
hostname | the name of the secondary storage host for the template |
hypervisor | the hypervisor on which the template runs |
isdynamicallyscalable | true if template contains XS/VMWare tools inorder to support dynamic scaling of VM cpu/memory |
isextractable | true if the template is extractable, false otherwise |
isfeatured | true if this template is a featured template, false otherwise |
ispublic | true if this template is a public template, false otherwise |
isready | true if the template is ready to be deployed from, false otherwise. |
name | the template name |
ostypeid | the ID of the OS type for this template. |
ostypename | the name of the OS type for this template. |
passwordenabled | true if the reset password feature is enabled, false otherwise |
project | the project name of the template |
projectid | the project id of the template |
removed | the date this template was removed |
size | the size of the template |
sourcetemplateid | the template ID of the parent template if present |
sshkeyenabled | true if template is sshkey enabled, false otherwise |
status | the status of the template |
templatetag | the tag of this template |
templatetype | the type of the template |
zoneid | the ID of the zone for this template |
zonename | the name of the zone for this template |
tags(*) | the list of resource tags associated with tempate |
account | the account associated with the tag |
customer | customer associated with the tag |
domain | the domain associated with the tag |
domainid | the ID of the domain associated with the tag |
key | tag key name |
project | the project name where tag belongs to |
projectid | the project id the tag belongs to |
resourceid | id of the resource |
resourcetype | resource type |
value | tag value |
jobid | the ID of the latest async job acting on this object |
jobstatus | the current status of the latest async job acting on this object |