Apache CloudStack v4.8.0 Domain Admin API Reference
Updates a service offering.
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
id | the ID of the service offering to be updated | true |
displaytext | the display text of the service offering to be updated | false |
name | the name of the service offering to be updated | false |
sortkey | sort key of the service offering, integer | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
id | the id of the service offering |
cpunumber | the number of CPU |
cpuspeed | the clock rate CPU speed in Mhz |
created | the date this service offering was created |
defaultuse | is this a default system vm offering |
deploymentplanner | deployment strategy used to deploy VM. |
diskBytesReadRate | bytes read rate of the service offering |
diskBytesWriteRate | bytes write rate of the service offering |
diskIopsReadRate | io requests read rate of the service offering |
diskIopsWriteRate | io requests write rate of the service offering |
displaytext | an alternate display text of the service offering. |
domain | Domain name for the offering |
domainid | the domain id of the service offering |
hosttags | the host tag for the service offering |
hypervisorsnapshotreserve | Hypervisor snapshot reserve space as a percent of a volume (for managed storage using Xen or VMware) |
iscustomized | is true if the offering is customized |
iscustomizediops | true if disk offering uses custom iops, false otherwise |
issystem | is this a system vm offering |
isvolatile | true if the vm needs to be volatile, i.e., on every reboot of vm from API root disk is discarded and creates a new root disk |
limitcpuuse | restrict the CPU usage to committed service offering |
maxiops | the max iops of the disk offering |
memory | the memory in MB |
miniops | the min iops of the disk offering |
name | the name of the service offering |
networkrate | data transfer rate in megabits per second allowed. |
offerha | the ha support in the service offering |
provisioningtype | provisioning type used to create volumes. Valid values are thin, sparse, fat. |
serviceofferingdetails | additional key/value details tied with this service offering |
storagetype | the storage type for this service offering |
systemvmtype | is this a the systemvm type for system vm offering |
tags | the tags for the service offering |