Apache CloudStack v4.8.0 Domain Admin API Reference
Reset site to site vpn connection
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
id | id of vpn connection | true |
account | an optional account for connection. Must be used with domainId. | false |
domainid | an optional domainId for connection. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used. | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
id | the connection ID |
account | the owner |
cidrlist | guest cidr list of the customer gateway |
created | the date and time the host was created |
domain | the domain name of the owner |
domainid | the domain id of the owner |
dpd | if DPD is enabled for customer gateway |
esplifetime | Lifetime of ESP SA of customer gateway |
esppolicy | ESP policy of the customer gateway |
forceencap | if Force NAT Encapsulation is enabled for customer gateway |
fordisplay | is connection for display to the regular user |
gateway | public ip address id of the customer gateway |
ikelifetime | Lifetime of IKE SA of customer gateway |
ikepolicy | IKE policy of the customer gateway |
ipsecpsk | IPsec Preshared-Key of the customer gateway |
passive | State of vpn connection |
project | the project name |
projectid | the project id |
publicip | the public IP address |
removed | the date and time the host was removed |
s2scustomergatewayid | the customer gateway ID |
s2svpngatewayid | the vpn gateway ID |
state | State of vpn connection |