Apache CloudStack v4.7.0 Domain Admin API Reference


Creates a profile that contains information about the virtual machine which will be provisioned automatically by autoscale feature.

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
serviceofferingidthe service offering of the auto deployed virtual machinetrue
templateidthe template of the auto deployed virtual machinetrue
zoneidavailability zone for the auto deployed virtual machinetrue
autoscaleuseridthe ID of the user used to launch and destroy the VMsfalse
counterparamcounterparam list. Example: counterparam[0].name=snmpcommunity&counterparam[0].value=public&counterparam[1].name=snmpport&counterparam[1].value=161false
destroyvmgraceperiodthe time allowed for existing connections to get closed before a vm is destroyedfalse
fordisplayan optional field, whether to the display the profile to the end user or notfalse
otherdeployparamsparameters other than zoneId/serviceOfferringId/templateId of the auto deployed virtual machinefalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe autoscale vm profile ID
accountthe account owning the instance group
autoscaleuseridthe ID of the user used to launch and destroy the VMs
destroyvmgraceperiodthe time allowed for existing connections to get closed before a vm is destroyed
domainthe domain name of the vm profile
domainidthe domain ID of the vm profile
fordisplayis profile for display to the regular user
otherdeployparamsparameters other than zoneId/serviceOfferringId/templateId to be used while deploying a virtual machine
projectthe project name of the vm profile
projectidthe project id vm profile
serviceofferingidthe service offering to be used while deploying a virtual machine
templateidthe template to be used while deploying a virtual machine
zoneidthe availability zone to be used while deploying a virtual machine