Apache CloudStack v4.6.0 User API Reference
Upload a data disk to the cloudstack cloud.
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
format | the format for the volume/template. Possible values include QCOW2, OVA, and VHD. | true |
name | the name of the volume/template | true |
zoneid | the ID of the zone the volume/template is to be hosted on | true |
account | an optional accountName. Must be used with domainId. | false |
checksum | the MD5 checksum value of this volume/template | false |
diskofferingid | the ID of the disk offering. This must be a custom sized offering since during upload of volume/template size is unknown. | false |
domainid | an optional domainId. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used. | false |
imagestoreuuid | Image store uuid | false |
projectid | Upload volume/template for the project | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
id | the template/volume ID |
expires | the timestamp after which the signature expires |
metadata | encrypted data to be sent in the POST request. |
postURL | POST url to upload the file to |
signature | signature to be sent in the POST request. |