Apache CloudStack v4.4.1 Domain Admin API Reference
Creates a global load balancer rule
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
gslbdomainname | domain name for the GSLB service. | true |
gslbservicetype | GSLB service type (tcp, udp, http) | true |
name | name of the load balancer rule | true |
regionid | region where the global load balancer is going to be created. | true |
account | the account associated with the global load balancer. Must be used with the domainId parameter. | false |
description | the description of the load balancer rule | false |
domainid | the domain ID associated with the load balancer | false |
gslblbmethod | load balancer algorithm (roundrobin, leastconn, proximity) that method is used to distribute traffic across the zones participating in global server load balancing, if not specified defaults to 'round robin' | false |
gslbstickysessionmethodname | session sticky method (sourceip) if not specified defaults to sourceip | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
id | global load balancer rule ID |
account | the account of the load balancer rule |
description | the description of the global load balancer rule |
domain | the domain of the load balancer rule |
domainid | the domain ID of the load balancer rule |
gslbdomainname | DNS domain name given for the global load balancer |
gslblbmethod | Load balancing method used for the global load balancer |
gslbservicetype | GSLB service type |
gslbstickysessionmethodname | session persistence method used for the global load balancer |
name | name of the global load balancer rule |
project | the project name of the load balancer |
projectid | the project id of the load balancer |
regionid | Region Id in which global load balancer is created |
loadbalancerrule(*) | List of load balancer rules that are part of GSLB rule |
id | the load balancer rule ID |
account | the account of the load balancer rule |
algorithm | the load balancer algorithm (source, roundrobin, leastconn) |
cidrlist | the cidr list to forward traffic from |
description | the description of the load balancer |
domain | the domain of the load balancer rule |
domainid | the domain ID of the load balancer rule |
fordisplay | is rule for display to the regular user |
name | the name of the load balancer |
networkid | the id of the guest network the lb rule belongs to |
privateport | the private port |
project | the project name of the load balancer |
projectid | the project id of the load balancer |
protocol | the protocol of the loadbalanacer rule |
publicip | the public ip address |
publicipid | the public ip address id |
publicport | the public port |
state | the state of the rule |
zoneid | the id of the zone the rule belongs to |
tags(*) | the list of resource tags associated with load balancer |
account | the account associated with the tag |
customer | customer associated with the tag |
domain | the domain associated with the tag |
domainid | the ID of the domain associated with the tag |
key | tag key name |
project | the project name where tag belongs to |
projectid | the project id the tag belongs to |
resourceid | id of the resource |
resourcetype | resource type |
value | tag value |