Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Updates a hypervisor capabilities.

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
hypervisorthe hypervisor for which the hypervisor capabilities are to be updatedfalse
hypervisorversionthe hypervisor version for which the hypervisor capabilities are to be updatedfalse
idID of the hypervisor capabilityfalse
maxdatavolumeslimitthe maximum number of Data Volumes that can be attached to a VM for this hypervisor.false
maxguestslimitthe max number of Guest VMs per host for this hypervisor.false
maxhostsperclusterthe maximum number of the hypervisor hosts per cluster false
securitygroupenabledset true to enable security group for this hypervisor.false
storagemotionenabledset true to enable storage motion support for this hypervisorfalse
vmsnapshotenabledset true to enable VM snapshots for this hypervisorfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe ID of the hypervisor capabilities row
hypervisorthe hypervisor type
hypervisorversionthe hypervisor version
maxdatavolumeslimitthe maximum number of Data Volumes that can be attached for this hypervisor
maxguestslimitthe maximum number of guest vms recommended for this hypervisor
maxhostsperclusterthe maximum number of Hosts per cluster for this hypervisor
securitygroupenabledtrue if security group is supported
storagemotionenabledtrue if storage motion is supported
vmsnapshotenabledtrue if VM snapshots are enabled for this hypervisor