Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference
Updates a user-defined VM backup schedule
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
intervaltype | valid values are HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, and MONTHLY | true |
schedule | custom backup schedule, the format is:for HOURLY MM*, for DAILY MM:HH*, for WEEKLY MM:HH:DD (1-7)*, for MONTHLY MM:HH:DD (1-28) | true |
timezone | Specifies a timezone for this command. For more information on the timezone parameter, see TimeZone Format. | true |
virtualmachineid | ID of the VM for which schedule is to be defined | true |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
id | ID of the VM backup |
account | account name |
accountid | account id |
backupofferingid | backup offering id |
backupofferingname | backup offering name |
created | backup date |
domain | domain name |
domainid | domain id |
externalid | external backup id |
size | backup size in bytes |
status | backup status |
type | backup type |
virtualmachineid | ID of the VM |
virtualmachinename | name of the VM |
virtualsize | backup protected (virtual) size in bytes |
volumes | backed up volumes |
zone | zone name |
zoneid | zone id |