Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Lists VPCs

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
accountlist resources by account. Must be used with the domainId parameter.false
cidrlist by cidr of the VPC. All VPC guest networks' cidrs should be within this CIDRfalse
displaytextList by display text of the VPCfalse
domainidlist only resources belonging to the domain specifiedfalse
fordisplaylist resources by display flag; only ROOT admin is eligible to pass this parameterfalse
idlist VPC by idfalse
isrecursivedefaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified by the domainId till leaves.false
keywordList by keywordfalse
listallIf set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default value is false. Resources dedicated to a project are listed only if using the projectid parameter.false
namelist by name of the VPCfalse
projectidlist objects by project; if projectid=-1 lists All VMsfalse
restartrequiredlist VPCs by restartRequired optionfalse
showiconflag to display the resource icon for VPCsfalse
statelist VPCs by statefalse
supportedserviceslist VPC supporting certain servicesfalse
tagsList resources by tags (key/value pairs)false
vpcofferingidlist by ID of the VPC offeringfalse
zoneidlist by zonefalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe id of the VPC
accountthe owner of the VPC
asnumberAS NUMBER
asnumberidUUID of AS NUMBER
bgppeersThe BGP peers for the VPC
cidrthe cidr the VPC
createdthe date this VPC was created
displaytextan alternate display text of the VPC.
distributedvpcrouteris VPC uses distributed router for one hop forwarding and host based network ACL's
dns1the first IPv4 DNS for the VPC
dns2the second IPv4 DNS for the VPC
domainthe domain name of the owner
domainidthe domain id of the VPC owner
domainpaththe domain path of the owner
fordisplayis vpc for display to the regular user
iconBase64 string representation of the resource icon
ip4routesThe routes for the VPC to ease adding route in upstream router
ip4routingThe IPv4 routing mode of VPC
ip6dns1the first IPv6 DNS for the VPC
ip6dns2the second IPv6 DNS for the VPC
ip6routesThe routes for the network to ease adding route in upstream router
namethe name of the VPC
networkthe list of networks belongign to the VPC
networkdomainthe network domain of the VPC
projectthe project name of the VPC
projectidthe project id of the VPC
publicmtuMTU configured on the public interfaces of the VPC VR
redundantvpcrouterif this VPC has redundant router
regionlevelvpctrue if VPC is region level
restartrequiredtrue VPC requires restart
statestate of the VPC. Can be Inactive/Enabled
vpcofferingidvpc offering id the VPC is created from
vpcofferingnamevpc offering name the VPC is created from
zoneidzone id of the vpc
zonenamethe name of the zone the VPC belongs to
service(*)the list of supported services
namethe service name
capability(*)the list of capabilities
canchooseservicecapabilitycan this service capability value can be choosable while creatine network offerings
namethe capability name
valuethe capability value
provider(*)the service provider name
iduuid of the network provider
canenableindividualservicetrue if individual services can be enabled/disabled
destinationphysicalnetworkidthe destination physical network
namethe provider name
physicalnetworkidthe physical network this belongs to
servicelistservices for this provider
statestate of the network provider
tags(*)the list of resource tags associated with the project
accountthe account associated with the tag
customercustomer associated with the tag
domainthe domain associated with the tag
domainidthe ID of the domain associated with the tag
domainpathpath of the Domain associated with the tag
keytag key name
projectthe project name where tag belongs to
projectidthe project id the tag belongs to
resourceidid of the resource
resourcetyperesource type
valuetag value