Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


lists Palo Alto firewall devices in a physical network

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
fwdeviceidPalo Alto firewall device IDfalse
keywordList by keywordfalse
physicalnetworkidthe Physical Network IDfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
fwdevicecapacitydevice capacity
fwdeviceiddevice id of the Palo Alto firewall
fwdevicenamedevice name
fwdevicestatedevice state
ipaddressthe management IP address of the external firewall
numretriesthe number of times to retry requests to the external firewall
physicalnetworkidthe physical network to which this Palo Alto firewall belongs to
privateinterfacethe private interface of the external firewall
privatezonethe private security zone of the external firewall
providername of the provider
publicinterfacethe public interface of the external firewall
publiczonethe public security zone of the external firewall
timeoutthe timeout (in seconds) for requests to the external firewall
usageinterfacethe usage interface of the external firewall
usernamethe username that's used to log in to the external firewall
zoneidthe zone ID of the external firewall