Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference
Lists Management Server metrics
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
id | the id of the management server | false |
keyword | List by keyword | false |
name | the name of the management server | false |
page | false | |
pagesize | false | |
system | include system level stats | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
agentcount | the number of agents this Management Server is responsible for |
availableprocessors | the number of processors available to the JVM |
collectiontime | the time these statistics were collected |
cpuload | the current cpu load |
dbislocal | the system is running against a local database |
heapmemorytotal | the amount of memory allocated to this Management Server |
heapmemoryused | the amount of memory used by this Management Server |
loginfo | the log files and their usage on disk |
sessions | the number of client sessions active on this Management Server |
systemcycleusage | the system load for user, and system processes and the system idle cycles |
systemloadaverages | the load averages for 1 5 and 15 minutes |
systemmemoryfree | Free system memory |
systemmemorytotal | Total system memory |
systemmemoryused | Amount of memory used |
systemmemoryvirtualsize | Virtual size of the fully loaded process |
systemtotalcpucycles | the total system cpu capacity |
threadsblockedcount | The number of blocked threads |
threadsdaemoncount | The number of daemon threads |
threadsrunnablecount | The number of runnable threads |
threadsteminatedcount | The number of terminated threads |
threadstotalcount | The number of threads |
threadswaitingcount | The number of waiting threads |
usageislocal | the system has a usage server running locally |