Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Lists all guest vlans

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
allocatedonlylimits search results to allocated guest vlan. false by default.false
idlist guest vlan by idfalse
keywordList by keywordfalse
physicalnetworkidlist guest vlan by physical networkfalse
vnetlist guest vlan by vnetfalse
zoneidlist guest vlan by zonefalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe guest VLAN id
accountthe account of the guest VLAN range
allocationstatethe allocation state of the guest VLAN
domainthe domain name of the guest VLAN range
domainidthe domain ID of the guest VLAN range
domainpathpath of the domain to which the guest VLAN range belongs
isdedicatedtrue if the guest VLAN is dedicated to the account
networkthe list of networks who use this guest VLAN
physicalnetworkidthe physical network ID of the guest VLAN range
physicalnetworknamethe physical network name of the guest VLAN range
projectthe project name of the guest VLAN range
projectidthe project id of the guest VLAN range
takendate the guest VLAN was taken
vlanthe guest VLAN
zoneidthe zone ID of the guest VLAN range
zonenamethe zone name of the guest VLAN range