Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


List Autonomous Systems Numbers

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
accountaccount namefalse
asnrangeidthe AS Number range IDfalse
asnumberAS numberfalse
domainiddomain idfalse
isallocatedto indicate if the AS number is allocated to any networkfalse
keywordList by keywordfalse
networkidthe network idfalse
vpcidthe vpc idfalse
zoneidthe zone IDfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idID of the AS Number
accountthe account name
accountidAccount ID
allocatedAllocated Date
allocationstateAllocation state
asnrangeAS Number Range
asnrangeidAS Number ID
asnumberAS Number
associatednetworkidNetwork ID
associatednetworknameNetwork Name
createdCreated Date
domainthe domain name
domainidDomain ID
vpcidVPC ID
vpcnameVPC Name
zoneidZone ID
zonenamethe zone name of the AS Number range