Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference
Returns a download URL for extracting a snapshot. It must be in the Backed Up state.
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
id | the ID of the snapshot | true |
zoneid | the ID of the zone where the snapshot is located | true |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
id | the id of extracted object |
accountid | the account id to which the extracted object belongs |
created | the time and date the object was created |
extractId | the upload id of extracted object |
extractMode | the mode of extraction - upload or download |
name | the name of the extracted object |
state | the state of the extracted object |
status | the status of the extraction |
storagetype | type of the storage |
uploadpercentage | the percentage of the entity uploaded to the specified location |
url | if mode = upload then url of the uploaded entity. if mode = download the url from which the entity can be downloaded |
zoneid | zone ID the object was extracted from |
zonename | zone name the object was extracted from |