Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Executes a Webhook delivery

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
idThe ID of the Webhook delivery for redeliveryfalse
payloadPayload of the Webhook deliveryfalse
payloadurlPayload URL of the Webhook deliveryfalse
secretkeySecret key of the Webhook deliveryfalse
sslverificationIf set to true then SSL verification will be done for the Webhook delivery otherwise notfalse
webhookidThe ID of the Webhookfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idThe ID of the Webhook delivery
enddateThe end time of the Webhook delivery
eventidThe ID of the event
eventtypeThe type of the event
headersThe headers of the webhook delivery
managementserveridThe ID of the management server which executed delivery
managementservernameThe name of the management server which executed delivery
payloadThe payload of the webhook delivery
responseThe response of the webhook delivery
startdateThe start time of the Webhook delivery
successWhether Webhook delivery succeeded or not
webhookidThe ID of the Webhook
webhooknameThe name of the Webhook