Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Dedicates an existing IPv4 subnet for a zone to an account or a domain.

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
idId of the guest network IPv4 subnettrue
accountaccount who will own the IPv4 subnetfalse
domainiddomain ID of the account owning the IPv4 subnetfalse
projectidproject who will own the IPv4 subnetfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idid of the guest IPv4 subnet
accountthe account of the IPv4 subnet
createddate when this IPv4 subnet was created.
domainthe domain name of the IPv4 subnet
domainidthe domain ID of the IPv4 subnet
projectthe project name of the IPv4 subnet
projectidthe project id of the IPv4 subnet
subnetguest IPv4 subnet
zoneidid of zone to which the IPv4 subnet belongs to.
zonenamename of zone to which the IPv4 subnet belongs to.