Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Create a new Shared File System of specified size and disk offering, attached to the given network

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
diskofferingidthe disk offering to use for the underlying storage. This will define the size and other specifications like encryption and qos for the shared filesystem.true
filesystemthe filesystem format (XFS / EXT4) which will be installed on the shared filesystem.true
namethe name of the shared filesystem.true
networkidnetwork to attach the shared filesystem totrue
serviceofferingidthe service offering to use for the shared filesystem instance hosting the data. The offering should be HA enabled and the cpu count and memory size should be greater than equal to sharedfsvm.min.cpu.count and sharedfsvm.min.ram.size respectivelytrue
zoneidthe zone id.true
accountthe account associated with the shared filesystem. Must be used with the domainId parameter.false
descriptionthe description for the shared filesystem.false
domainidthe domain ID associated with the shared filesystem. If used with the account parameter returns the shared filesystem associated with the account for the specified domain.If account is NOT provided then the shared filesystem will be assigned to the caller account and domain.false
maxiopsmax iopsfalse
miniopsmin iopsfalse
projectidthe project associated with the shared filesystem. Mutually exclusive with account parameterfalse
providerthe provider to be used for the shared filesystem. The list of providers can be fetched by using the listSharedFileSystemProviders API.false
sizethe size of the shared filesystem in GiBfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idID of the shared filesystem
accountthe account associated with the shared filesystem
descriptiondescription of the shared filesystem
diskioreadthe read (IO) of disk on the shared filesystem
diskiowritethe write (IO) of disk on the shared filesystem
diskkbsreadthe shared filesystem's disk read in KiB
diskkbswritethe shared filesystem's disk write in KiB
diskofferingdisplaytextdisk offering display text for the shared filesystem
diskofferingiddisk offering ID for the shared filesystem
diskofferingnamedisk offering for the shared filesystem
domainthe domain associated with the shared filesystem
domainidthe ID of the domain associated with the shared filesystem
domainpathpath of the domain to which the shared filesystem
filesystemthe filesystem format
iscustomdiskofferingdisk offering for the shared filesystem has custom size
namename of the shared filesystem
networkidNetwork ID of the shared filesystem
networknameNetwork name of the shared filesystem
pathpath to mount the shared filesystem
physicalsizethe bytes actually consumed on disk
projectthe project name of the shared filesystem
projectidthe project ID of the shared filesystem
providerthe shared filesystem provider
provisioningtypeprovisioning type used in the shared filesystem
serviceofferingidservice offering ID for the shared filesystem
serviceofferingnameservice offering for the shared filesystem
sizesize of the shared filesystem
sizegbsize of the shared filesystem in GiB
statethe state of the shared filesystem
storagename of the storage pool hosting the data volume
storageidID of the storage pool hosting the data volume
utilizationthe disk utilization
virtualmachineidID of the storage fs vm
virtualsizethe bytes allocated
vmstateID of the storage fs vm
volumeidID of the storage fs data volume
volumenamename of the storage fs data volume
zoneidID of the availability zone
zonenameName of the availability zone
nic(*)the list of nics associated with the shared filesystem
idthe ID of the nic
adaptertypeType of adapter if available
broadcasturithe broadcast uri of the nic
deviceiddevice id for the network when plugged into the virtual machine
extradhcpoptionthe extra dhcp options on the nic
gatewaythe gateway of the nic
ip6addressthe IPv6 address of network
ip6cidrthe cidr of IPv6 network
ip6gatewaythe gateway of IPv6 network
ipaddressthe ip address of the nic
ipaddressesIP addresses associated with NIC found for unmanaged VM
isdefaulttrue if nic is default, false otherwise
isolatedpvlanthe isolated private VLAN if available
isolatedpvlantypethe isolated private VLAN type if available
isolationurithe isolation uri of the nic
macaddresstrue if nic is default, false otherwise
mtuMTU configured on the NIC
netmaskthe netmask of the nic
networkidthe ID of the corresponding network
networknamethe name of the corresponding network
nsxlogicalswitchId of the NSX Logical Switch (if NSX based), null otherwise
nsxlogicalswitchportId of the NSX Logical Switch Port (if NSX based), null otherwise
publicippublic IP address associated with this nic via Static nat rule
publicipidpublic IP address id associated with this nic via Static nat rule
secondaryipthe Secondary ipv4 addr of nic
traffictypethe traffic type of the nic
typethe type of the nic
virtualmachineidId of the vm to which the nic belongs
vlanidID of the VLAN/VNI if available
vpcidId of the vpc to which the nic belongs
vpcnamename of the vpc to which the nic belongs