Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Creates a IPv4 subnet for guest networks.

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
parentidThe zone Ipv4 subnet which the IPv4 subnet belongs to.true
cidrsizethe CIDR size of IPv4 network. This is mutually exclusive with subnet.false
subnetThe CIDR of this Ipv4 subnet.false

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idid of the IPv4 subnet for guest network
allocateddate when this IPv4 subnet was allocated.
createddate when this IPv4 subnet was created.
networkidid of network which the IPv4 subnet is associated with.
networknamename of network which the IPv4 subnet is associated with.
parentidid of the data center IPv4 subnet
parentsubnetsubnet of the data center IPv4 subnet
removeddate when this IPv4 subnet was removed.
statestate of subnet of the IPv4 network
subnetsubnet of the IPv4 network
vpcidId of the VPC which the IPv4 subnet is associated with.
vpcnameName of the VPC which the IPv4 subnet is associated with.
zoneidid of zone to which the IPv4 subnet belongs to.
zonenameid of zone to which the IPv4 subnet belongs to.