Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference
Creates a bucket in the specified object storage pool.
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
name | the name of the bucket | true |
objectstorageid | Id of the Object Storage Pool where bucket is created | true |
account | the account associated with the bucket. Must be used with the domainId parameter. | false |
domainid | the domain ID associated with the bucket. If used with the account parameter returns the bucket associated with the account for the specified domain. | false |
encryption | Enable bucket encryption | false |
objectlocking | Enable object locking in bucket | false |
policy | The Bucket access policy | false |
projectid | the project associated with the bucket. Mutually exclusive with account parameter | false |
quota | Bucket Quota in GB | false |
versioning | Enable bucket versioning | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
id | ID of the Bucket |
accesskey | Bucket Access Key |
account | the account associated with the Bucket |
created | the date the Bucket was created |
domain | the domain associated with the bucket |
domainid | the ID of the domain associated with the bucket |
domainpath | path of the domain to which the bucket belongs |
encryption | Bucket Encryption |
name | name of the Bucket |
objectlocking | Bucket Object Locking |
objectstorageid | id of the object storage hosting the Bucket; returned to admin user only |
objectstore | Name of the object storage hosting the Bucket; returned to admin user only |
policy | Bucket Access Policy |
project | the project name of the bucket |
projectid | the project id of the bucket |
provider | Object storage provider |
quota | Bucket Quota in GB |
size | Total size of objects in Bucket |
state | State of the Bucket |
url | Bucket URL |
usersecretkey | Bucket Secret Key |
versioning | Bucket Versioning |