Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Adds a netscaler load balancer device

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
networkdevicetypeNetscaler device type supports NetscalerMPXLoadBalancer, NetscalerVPXLoadBalancer, NetscalerSDXLoadBalancertrue
passwordCredentials to reach netscaler load balancer devicetrue
physicalnetworkidthe Physical Network IDtrue
urlURL of the netscaler load balancer appliance.true
usernameCredentials to reach netscaler load balancer devicetrue
gslbprovidertrue if NetScaler device being added is for providing GSLB servicefalse
gslbproviderprivateipprivate IP of the sitefalse
gslbproviderpublicippublic IP of the sitefalse
isexclusivegslbprovidertrue if NetScaler device being added is for providing GSLB service exclusively and can not be used for LBfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
gslbprovidertrue if NetScaler device is provisioned to be a GSLB service provider
gslbproviderprivateipprivate IP of the NetScaler representing GSLB site
gslbproviderpublicippublic IP of the NetScaler representing GSLB site
ipaddressthe management IP address of the external load balancer
isexclusivegslbprovidertrue if NetScaler device is provisioned exclusively to be a GSLB service provider
lbdevicecapacitydevice capacity
lbdevicededicatedtrue if device is dedicated for an account
lbdeviceiddevice id of the netscaler load balancer
lbdevicenamedevice name
lbdevicestatedevice state
physicalnetworkidthe physical network to which this netscaler device belongs to
podidsUsed when NetScaler device is provider of EIP service. This parameter represents the list of pod's, for which there exists a policy based route on datacenter L3 router to route pod's subnet IP to a NetScaler device.
privateinterfacethe private interface of the load balancer
providername of the provider
publicinterfacethe public interface of the load balancer