Apache CloudStack v4.2.0 Root Admin API Reference


Lists usage records for accounts

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
enddateEnd date range for usage record query. Use yyyy-MM-dd as the date format, e.g. startDate=2009-06-03.true
startdateStart date range for usage record query. Use yyyy-MM-dd as the date format, e.g. startDate=2009-06-01.true
accountList usage records for the specified user.false
accountidList usage records for the specified accountfalse
domainidList usage records for the specified domain.false
keywordList by keywordfalse
projectidList usage records for specified projectfalse
typeList usage records for the specified usage typefalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
accountthe user account name
accountidthe user account Id
descriptiondescription of the usage record
domainthe domain the resource is associated with
domainidthe domain ID
enddateend date of the usage record
isdefaultTrue if the resource is default
issourcenatTrue if the IPAddress is source NAT
issystemTrue if the IPAddress is system IP - allocated during vm deploy or lb rule create
namevirtual machine name
networkidid of the network
offeringidoffering ID
projectthe project name of the resource
projectidthe project id of the resource
rawusageraw usage in hours
sizeresource size
startdatestart date of the usage record
templateidtemplate ID
typeresource type
usageusage in hours
usageidid of the resource
usagetypeusage type ID
virtualmachineidvirtual machine ID
virtualsizevirtual size of resource
zoneidthe zone ID