Apache CloudStack v4.2.0 Root Admin API Reference


List a storage network IP range.

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
idoptional parameter. Storaget network IP range uuid, if specicied, using it to search the range.false
keywordList by keywordfalse
podidoptional parameter. Pod uuid, if specicied and range uuid is absent, using it to search the range.false
zoneidoptional parameter. Zone uuid, if specicied and both pod uuid and range uuid are absent, using it to search the range.false

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe uuid of storage network IP range.
endipthe end ip of the storage network IP range
gatewaythe gateway of the storage network IP range
netmaskthe netmask of the storage network IP range
networkidthe network uuid of storage network IP range
podidthe Pod uuid for the storage network IP range
startipthe start ip of the storage network IP range
vlanthe ID or VID of the VLAN.
zoneidthe Zone uuid of the storage network IP range