Apache CloudStack v4.2.0 Root Admin API Reference


Creates a Load Balancer

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
algorithmload balancer algorithm (source, roundrobin, leastconn)true
instanceportthe TCP port of the virtual machine where the network traffic will be load balanced totrue
namename of the Load Balancertrue
networkidThe guest network the Load Balancer will be created fortrue
schemethe load balancer scheme. Supported value in this release is Internaltrue
sourceipaddressnetworkidthe network id of the source ip addresstrue
sourceportthe source port the network traffic will be load balanced fromtrue
descriptionthe description of the Load Balancerfalse
sourceipaddressthe source ip address the network traffic will be load balanced fromfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe Load Balancer ID
accountthe account of the Load Balancer
algorithmthe load balancer algorithm (source, roundrobin, leastconn)
descriptionthe description of the Load Balancer
domainthe domain of the Load Balancer
domainidthe domain ID of the Load Balancer
namethe name of the Load Balancer
networkidLoad Balancer network id
projectthe project name of the Load Balancer
projectidthe project id of the Load Balancer
sourceipaddressLoad Balancer source ip
sourceipaddressnetworkidLoad Balancer source ip network id
loadbalancerinstance(*)the list of instances associated with the Load Balancer
idthe instance ID
ipaddressthe ip address of the instance
namethe name of the instance
statethe state of the instance
loadbalancerrule(*)the list of rules associated with the Load Balancer
instanceportinstance port of the load balancer rule
sourceportsource port of the load balancer rule
statethe state of the load balancer rule
tags(*)the list of resource tags associated with the Load Balancer
accountthe account associated with the tag
customercustomer associated with the tag
domainthe domain associated with the tag
domainidthe ID of the domain associated with the tag
keytag key name
projectthe project name where tag belongs to
projectidthe project id the tag belongs to
resourceidid of the resource
resourcetyperesource type
valuetag value