Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Updates a configuration.

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
namethe name of the configurationtrue
accountidthe ID of the Account to update the parameter value for corresponding accountfalse
clusteridthe ID of the Cluster to update the parameter value for corresponding clusterfalse
domainidthe ID of the Domain to update the parameter value for corresponding domainfalse
imagestoreuuidthe ID of the Image Store to update the parameter value for corresponding image storefalse
storageidthe ID of the Storage pool to update the parameter value for corresponding storage poolfalse
valuethe value of the configurationfalse
zoneidthe ID of the Zone to update the parameter value for corresponding zonefalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe value of the configuration
categorythe category of the configuration
componentthe component of the configuration
defaultvaluethe default value of the configuration
descriptionthe description of the configuration
displaytextthe display text of the configuration
groupthe group of the configuration
isdynamictrue if the configuration is dynamic
namethe name of the configuration
optionsthe possible options of the configuration value
parentthe name of the parent configuration
scopescope(zone/cluster/pool/account) of the parameter that needs to be updated
subgroupthe subgroup of the configuration
typethe type of the configuration value
valuethe value of the configuration