Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Scales the virtual machine to a new service offering. This command also considers the volume size in the service offering or disk offering linked to the new service offering and apply all characteristics to the root volume.

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
idThe ID of the virtual machinetrue
serviceofferingidthe ID of the service offering for the virtual machinetrue
automigrateFlag for automatic migration of the root volume with new compute offering whenever migration is required to apply the offeringfalse
detailsname value pairs of custom parameters for cpuspeed, memory and cpunumber. example details[i].name=valuefalse
maxiopsNew maximum number of IOPS for the custom disk offeringfalse
miniopsNew minimum number of IOPS for the custom disk offeringfalse
shrinkokVerify OK to Shrinkfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
displaytextany text associated with the success or failure
successtrue if operation is executed successfully