Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Lists all available OS mappings for given hypervisor

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
hypervisorlist Guest OS mapping by hypervisorfalse
hypervisorversionlist Guest OS mapping by hypervisor version. Must be used with hypervisor parameterfalse
idlist mapping by its UUIDfalse
keywordList by keywordfalse
osdisplaynamelist Guest OS mapping by OS display namefalse
osnameforhypervisorlist Guest OS mapping by OS mapping name with hypervisorfalse
ostypeidlist mapping by Guest OS Type UUIDfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe ID of the Guest OS mapping
hypervisorthe hypervisor
hypervisorversionversion of the hypervisor for mapping
isuserdefinedis the mapping user defined
osdisplaynamestandard display name for the Guest OS
osnameforhypervisorhypervisor specific name for the Guest OS
ostypeidthe ID of the Guest OS type