Parameter Name | Description | Required |
action | Action to take on the VM (start/stop/reboot/force_stop/force_reboot). | true |
schedule | Schedule for action on VM in cron format. e.g. '0 15 10 * *' for 'at 15:00 on 10th day of every month' | true |
timezone | Specifies a timezone for this command. For more information on the timezone parameter, see TimeZone Format. | true |
virtualmachineid | ID of the VM for which schedule is to be defined | true |
description | Description of the schedule | false |
enabled | Enable VM schedule. Defaults to true | false |
enddate | end date after which the schedule becomes inactiveUse format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") | false |
startdate | start date from which the schedule becomes active. Defaults to current date plus 1 minute.Use format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") | false |