Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference
Creates a Management network IP range.
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
gateway | The gateway for the management network. | true |
netmask | The netmask for the management network. | true |
podid | UUID of POD, where the IP range belongs to. | true |
startip | The starting IP address. | true |
endip | The ending IP address. | false |
forsystemvms | Specify if range is dedicated for CPVM and SSVM. | false |
vlan | Optional. The vlan id the ip range sits on, default to Null when it is not specified which means your network is not on any Vlan | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
id | the ID of the Pod |
allocationstate | the allocation state of the Pod |
endip | the ending IP for the Pod. This parameter is deprecated, please use 'endip' from ipranges parameter. |
forsystemvms | indicates if range is dedicated for CPVM and SSVM. This parameter is deprecated, please use 'forsystemvms' from ipranges parameter. |
gateway | the gateway of the Pod |
name | the name of the Pod |
netmask | the netmask of the Pod |
startip | the starting IP for the Pod. This parameter is deprecated, please use 'startip' from ipranges parameter. |
vlanid | indicates Vlan ID for the range. This parameter is deprecated, please use 'vlanid' from ipranges parameter. |
zoneid | the Zone ID of the Pod |
zonename | the Zone name of the Pod |
capacity(*) | the capacity of the Pod |
capacityallocated | the capacity currently in allocated |
capacitytotal | the total capacity available |
capacityused | the capacity currently in use |
clusterid | the Cluster ID |
clustername | the Cluster name |
name | the capacity name |
percentused | the percentage of capacity currently in use |
podid | the Pod ID |
podname | the Pod name |
type | the capacity type |
zoneid | the Zone ID |
zonename | the Zone name |
ipranges(*) | the IP ranges for the Pod |
cidr | the CIDR for the range |
endip | the ending IP for the range |
forsystemvms | indicates if range is dedicated for CPVM and SSVM |
gateway | the gateway for the range |
startip | the starting IP for the range |
vlanid | indicates Vlan ID for the range |