Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Creates a Kubernetes cluster

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
namename for the Kubernetes clustertrue
zoneidavailability zone in which Kubernetes cluster to be launchedtrue
accountan optional account for the virtual machine. Must be used with domainId.false
clustertypetype of the cluster: CloudManaged, ExternalManaged. The default value is CloudManaged.false
controlnodesnumber of Kubernetes cluster control nodes, default is 1false
descriptiondescription for the Kubernetes clusterfalse
dockerregistrypasswordpassword for the docker image private registryfalse
dockerregistryurlURL for the docker image private registryfalse
dockerregistryusernameuser name for the docker image private registryfalse
domainidan optional domainId for the virtual machine. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used.false
externalloadbalanceripaddressexternal load balancer IP address while using shared network with Kubernetes HA clusterfalse
keypairname of the ssh key pair used to login to the virtual machinesfalse
kubernetesversionidKubernetes version with which cluster to be launchedfalse
masternodesnumber of Kubernetes cluster master nodes, default is 1. This option is deprecated, please use 'controlnodes' parameter.false
networkidNetwork in which Kubernetes cluster is to be launchedfalse
noderootdisksizeroot disk size in GB for each nodefalse
projectidDeploy cluster for the projectfalse
serviceofferingidthe ID of the service offering for the virtual machines in the cluster.false
sizenumber of Kubernetes cluster worker nodesfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe id of the Kubernetes cluster
accountthe account associated with the Kubernetes cluster
associatednetworknamethe name of the network of the Kubernetes cluster
autoscalingenabledWhether autoscaling is enabled for the cluster
clustertypethe type of the cluster
consoleendpointURL end point for the Kubernetes cluster dashboard UI
controlnodesthe control nodes count for the Kubernetes cluster
cpunumberthe cpu cores of the Kubernetes cluster
createdthe date when this Kubernetes cluster was created
descriptionthe description of the Kubernetes cluster
domainthe name of the domain in which the Kubernetes cluster exists
domainidthe ID of the domain in which the Kubernetes cluster exists
endpointURL end point for the Kubernetes cluster
ipaddressPublic IP Address of the cluster
ipaddressidPublic IP Address ID of the cluster
keypairkeypair details
kubernetesversionidthe ID of the Kubernetes version for the Kubernetes cluster
kubernetesversionnamethe name of the Kubernetes version for the Kubernetes cluster
masternodesthe master nodes count for the Kubernetes cluster. This parameter is deprecated, please use 'controlnodes' parameter.
maxsizeMaximum size of the cluster
memorythe memory the Kubernetes cluster
minsizeMinimum size of the cluster
namethe name of the Kubernetes cluster
networkidthe ID of the network of the Kubernetes cluster
projectthe project name of the Kubernetes cluster
projectidthe project id of the Kubernetes cluster
serviceofferingidthe ID of the service offering of the Kubernetes cluster
serviceofferingnamethe name of the service offering of the Kubernetes cluster
sizethe size (worker nodes count) of the Kubernetes cluster
statethe state of the Kubernetes cluster
templateidthe ID of the template of the Kubernetes cluster
virtualmachinesthe list of virtualmachine associated with this Kubernetes cluster
zoneidthe name of the zone of the Kubernetes cluster
zonenamethe name of the zone of the Kubernetes cluster