Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Creates a disk offering.

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
namename of the disk offeringtrue
bytesreadratebytes read rate of the disk offeringfalse
bytesreadratemaxburst bytes read rate of the disk offeringfalse
bytesreadratemaxlengthlength (in seconds) of the burstfalse
byteswriteratebytes write rate of the disk offeringfalse
byteswriteratemaxburst bytes write rate of the disk offeringfalse
byteswriteratemaxlengthlength (in seconds) of the burstfalse
cachemodethe cache mode to use for this disk offering. none, writeback or writethroughfalse
customizedwhether disk offering size is custom or notfalse
customizediopswhether disk offering iops is custom or notfalse
detailsdetails to specify disk offering parametersfalse
disksizesize of the disk offering in GB (1GB = 1,073,741,824 bytes)false
disksizestrictnessTo allow or disallow the resize operation on the disks created from this disk offering, if the flag is true then resize is not allowedfalse
displayofferingan optional field, whether to display the offering to the end user or not.false
displaytextAn alternate display text of the disk offering, defaults to 'name'.false
domainidthe ID of the containing domain(s), null for public offeringsfalse
encryptVolumes using this offering should be encryptedfalse
hypervisorsnapshotreserveHypervisor snapshot reserve space as a percent of a volume (for managed storage using Xen or VMware)false
iopsreadrateio requests read rate of the disk offeringfalse
iopsreadratemaxburst requests read rate of the disk offeringfalse
iopsreadratemaxlengthlength (in seconds) of the burstfalse
iopswriterateio requests write rate of the disk offeringfalse
iopswriteratemaxburst io requests write rate of the disk offeringfalse
iopswriteratemaxlengthlength (in seconds) of the burstfalse
maxiopsmax iops of the disk offeringfalse
miniopsmin iops of the disk offeringfalse
provisioningtypeprovisioning type used to create volumes. Valid values are thin, sparse, fat.false
storagepolicyName of the storage policy defined at vCenter, this is applicable only for VMwarefalse
storagetypethe storage type of the disk offering. Values are local and shared.false
tagstags for the disk offeringfalse
zoneidthe ID of the containing zone(s), null for public offeringsfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idunique ID of the disk offering
cacheModethe cache mode to use for this disk offering. none, writeback or writethrough
createdthe date this disk offering was created
detailsadditional key/value details tied with this disk offering
diskBytesReadRatebytes read rate of the disk offering
diskBytesReadRateMaxburst bytes read rate of the disk offering
diskBytesReadRateMaxLengthlength (in seconds) of the burst
diskBytesWriteRatebytes write rate of the disk offering
diskBytesWriteRateMaxburst bytes write rate of the disk offering
diskBytesWriteRateMaxLengthlength (in seconds) of the burst
diskIopsReadRateio requests read rate of the disk offering
diskIopsReadRateMaxburst io requests read rate of the disk offering
diskIopsReadRateMaxLengthlength (in second) of the burst
diskIopsWriteRateio requests write rate of the disk offering
diskIopsWriteRateMaxburst io requests write rate of the disk offering
diskIopsWriteRateMaxLengthlength (in seconds) of the burst
disksizethe size of the disk offering in GB
disksizestrictnessTo allow or disallow the resize operation on the disks created from this disk offering, if the flag is true then resize is not allowed
displayofferingwhether to display the offering to the end user or not.
displaytextan alternate display text of the disk offering.
domainthe domain name(s) this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable.
domainidthe domain ID(s) this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable.
encryptWhether disks using this offering will be encrypted on primary storage
hypervisorsnapshotreserveHypervisor snapshot reserve space as a percent of a volume (for managed storage using Xen or VMware)
iscustomizedtrue if disk offering uses custom size, false otherwise
iscustomizediopstrue if disk offering uses custom iops, false otherwise
maxiopsthe max iops of the disk offering
miniopsthe min iops of the disk offering
namethe name of the disk offering
provisioningtypeprovisioning type used to create volumes. Valid values are thin, sparse, fat.
storagetypethe storage type for this disk offering
tagsthe tags for the disk offering
vspherestoragepolicythe vsphere storage policy tagged to the disk offering in case of VMware
zonethe zone name(s) this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable.
zoneidthe zone ID(s) this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable.