Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Updates VPC offering

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
idthe id of the VPC offeringtrue
displaytextthe display text of the VPC offeringfalse
domainidthe ID of the containing domain(s) as comma separated string, public for public offeringsfalse
namethe name of the VPC offeringfalse
sortkeysort key of the VPC offering, integerfalse
stateupdate state for the VPC offering; supported states - Enabled/Disabledfalse
zoneidthe ID of the containing zone(s) as comma separated string, all for all zones offeringsfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe id of the vpc offering
createdthe date this vpc offering was created
displaytextan alternate display text of the vpc offering.
distributedvpcrouter indicates if the vpc offering supports distributed router for one-hop forwarding
domainthe domain name(s) this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable.
domainidthe domain ID(s) this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable.
internetprotocolthe internet protocol of the vpc offering
isdefaulttrue if vpc offering is default, false otherwise
namethe name of the vpc offering
statestate of the vpc offering. Can be Disabled/Enabled
supportsregionLevelvpc indicated if the offering can support region level vpc
zonethe zone name(s) this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable.
zoneidthe zone ID(s) this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable.
service(*)the list of supported services
namethe service name
capability(*)the list of capabilities
canchooseservicecapabilitycan this service capability value can be choosable while creatine network offerings
namethe capability name
valuethe capability value
provider(*)the service provider name
iduuid of the network provider
canenableindividualservicetrue if individual services can be enabled/disabled
destinationphysicalnetworkidthe destination physical network
namethe provider name
physicalnetworkidthe physical network this belongs to
servicelistservices for this provider
statestate of the network provider