Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference
Updates a hypervisor capabilities.
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
id | ID of the hypervisor capability | false |
maxdatavolumeslimit | the maximum number of Data Volumes that can be attached to a VM for this hypervisor. | false |
maxguestslimit | the max number of Guest VMs per host for this hypervisor. | false |
maxhostspercluster | the maximum number of the hypervisor hosts per cluster | false |
securitygroupenabled | set true to enable security group for this hypervisor. | false |
storagemotionenabled | set true to enable storage motion support for this hypervisor | false |
vmsnapshotenabled | set true to enable VM snapshots for this hypervisor | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
id | the ID of the hypervisor capabilities row |
hypervisor | the hypervisor type |
hypervisorversion | the hypervisor version |
maxdatavolumeslimit | the maximum number of Data Volumes that can be attached for this hypervisor |
maxguestslimit | the maximum number of guest vms recommended for this hypervisor |
maxhostspercluster | the maximum number of Hosts per cluster for this hypervisor |
securitygroupenabled | true if security group is supported |
storagemotionenabled | true if storage motion is supported |
vmsnapshotenabled | true if VM snapshots are enabled for this hypervisor |