Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


remove Tungsten-Fabric tag

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
taguuidthe uuid of Tungsten-Fabric tagtrue
zoneidthe ID of zonetrue
applicationpolicysetuuidthe uuid of Tungsten-Fabric application policy setfalse
networkuuidthe uuid of networksfalse
nicuuidthe uuid of nicsfalse
policyuuidthe uuid of Tungsten-Fabric policyfalse
vmuuidthe uuid of vmsfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
nameTungsten-Fabric tag name
networklist Tungsten-Fabric network
niclist Tungsten-Fabric nic
policylist Tungsten-Fabric policy
uuidTungsten-Fabric tag type uuid
vmlist Tungsten-Fabric vm
zoneidTungsten-Fabric provider zone id
zonenameTungsten-Fabric provider zone name