Response Name | Description |
clusters | healthy / total clusters in the zone |
cpuallocated | the total cpu allocated in Ghz |
cpuallocateddisablethreshold | cpu allocated disable threshold exceeded |
cpuallocatedthreshold | cpu allocated notification threshold exceeded |
cpudisablethreshold | cpu usage disable threshold exceeded |
cpumaxdeviation | the maximum cpu deviation |
cputhreshold | cpu usage notification threshold exceeded |
cputotal | the total cpu capacity in Ghz |
cpuused | the total cpu used in Ghz |
memoryallocated | the total cpu allocated in GiB |
memoryallocateddisablethreshold | memory allocated disable threshold exceeded |
memoryallocatedthreshold | memory allocated notification threshold exceeded |
memorydisablethreshold | memory usage disable threshold exceeded |
memorymaxdeviation | the maximum memory deviation |
memorythreshold | memory usage notification threshold exceeded |
memorytotal | the total cpu capacity in GiB |
memoryused | the total cpu used in GiB |
state | state of the cluster |