Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference
Lists usage records for accounts
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
enddate | End date range for usage record query (use format "yyyy-MM-dd" or the new format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", e.g. startDate=2015-01-01 or startdate=2015-01-01 10:30:00). | true |
startdate | Start date range for usage record query (use format "yyyy-MM-dd" or the new format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", e.g. startDate=2015-01-01 or startdate=2015-01-01 11:00:00). | true |
account | List usage records for the specified user. | false |
accountid | List usage records for the specified account | false |
domainid | List usage records for the specified domain. | false |
includetags | Flag to enable display of Tags for a resource | false |
isrecursive | Specify if usage records should be fetched recursively per domain. If an account id is passed, records will be limited to that account. | false |
keyword | List by keyword | false |
oldformat | Flag to enable description rendered in old format which uses internal database IDs instead of UUIDs. False by default. | false |
page | false | |
pagesize | false | |
projectid | List usage records for specified project | false |
type | List usage records for the specified usage type | false |
usageid | List usage records for the specified usage UUID. Can be used only together with TYPE parameter. | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
account | the user account name |
accountid | the user account Id |
cpunumber | number of cpu of resource |
cpuspeed | speed of each cpu of resource |
description | description of the usage record |
domain | the domain the resource is associated with |
domainid | the domain ID |
enddate | end date of the usage record |
isdefault | True if the resource is default |
issourcenat | True if the IPAddress is source NAT |
issystem | True if the IPAddress is system IP - allocated during vm deploy or lb rule create |
memory | memory allocated for the resource |
name | resource or virtual machine name |
networkid | id of the network |
offeringid | offering ID |
oscategoryid | virtual machine guest os category ID |
oscategoryname | virtual machine os category name |
osdisplayname | virtual machine os display name |
ostypeid | virtual machine os type ID |
project | the project name of the resource |
projectid | the project id of the resource |
rawusage | raw usage in hours |
size | resource size |
startdate | start date of the usage record |
templateid | template ID |
type | resource type |
usage | usage in hours |
usageid | id of the resource |
usagetype | usage type ID |
virtualmachineid | virtual machine ID |
virtualsize | virtual size of resource |
vpcid | id of the vpc |
zoneid | the zone ID |