Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Lists Management Server metrics

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
idthe id of the management serverfalse
keywordList by keywordfalse
namethe name of the management serverfalse
systeminclude system level statsfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
agentcountthe number of agents this Management Server is responsible for
availableprocessorsthe number of processors available to the JVM
collectiontimethe time these statistics were collected
cpuloadthe current cpu load
dbislocalthe system is running against a local database
heapmemorytotalthe amount of memory allocated to this Management Server
heapmemoryusedthe amount of memory used by this Management Server
loginfothe log files and their usage on disk
sessionsthe number of client sessions active on this Management Server
systemcycleusagethe system load for user, and system processes and the system idle cycles
systemloadaveragesthe load averages for 1 5 and 15 minutes
systemmemoryfreeFree system memory
systemmemorytotalTotal system memory
systemmemoryusedAmount of memory used
systemmemoryvirtualsizeVirtual size of the fully loaded process
systemtotalcpucyclesthe total system cpu capacity
threadsblockedcountThe number of blocked threads
threadsdaemoncountThe number of daemon threads
threadsrunnablecountThe number of runnable threads
threadsteminatedcountThe number of terminated threads
threadstotalcountThe number of threads
threadswaitingcountThe number of waiting threads
usageislocalthe system has a usage server running locally