Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference
Lists all available disk offerings.
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
domainid | list only resources belonging to the domain specified | false |
encrypt | listed offerings support disk encryption | false |
id | ID of the disk offering | false |
isrecursive | defaults to false, but if true, lists all resources from the parent specified by the domainId till leaves. | false |
keyword | List by keyword | false |
listall | If set to false, list only resources belonging to the command's caller; if set to true - list resources that the caller is authorized to see. Default value is false. Resources dedicated to a project are listed only if using the projectid parameter. | false |
name | name of the disk offering | false |
page | false | |
pagesize | false | |
storageid | The ID of the storage pool, tags of the storage pool are used to filter the offerings | false |
volumeid | The ID of the volume, tags of the volume are used to filter the offerings | false |
zoneid | id of zone disk offering is associated with | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
id | unique ID of the disk offering |
cacheMode | the cache mode to use for this disk offering. none, writeback or writethrough |
created | the date this disk offering was created |
details | additional key/value details tied with this disk offering |
diskBytesReadRate | bytes read rate of the disk offering |
diskBytesReadRateMax | burst bytes read rate of the disk offering |
diskBytesReadRateMaxLength | length (in seconds) of the burst |
diskBytesWriteRate | bytes write rate of the disk offering |
diskBytesWriteRateMax | burst bytes write rate of the disk offering |
diskBytesWriteRateMaxLength | length (in seconds) of the burst |
diskIopsReadRate | io requests read rate of the disk offering |
diskIopsReadRateMax | burst io requests read rate of the disk offering |
diskIopsReadRateMaxLength | length (in second) of the burst |
diskIopsWriteRate | io requests write rate of the disk offering |
diskIopsWriteRateMax | burst io requests write rate of the disk offering |
diskIopsWriteRateMaxLength | length (in seconds) of the burst |
disksize | the size of the disk offering in GB |
disksizestrictness | To allow or disallow the resize operation on the disks created from this disk offering, if the flag is true then resize is not allowed |
displayoffering | whether to display the offering to the end user or not. |
displaytext | an alternate display text of the disk offering. |
domain | the domain name(s) this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable. |
domainid | the domain ID(s) this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable. |
encrypt | Whether disks using this offering will be encrypted on primary storage |
hypervisorsnapshotreserve | Hypervisor snapshot reserve space as a percent of a volume (for managed storage using Xen or VMware) |
iscustomized | true if disk offering uses custom size, false otherwise |
iscustomizediops | true if disk offering uses custom iops, false otherwise |
maxiops | the max iops of the disk offering |
miniops | the min iops of the disk offering |
name | the name of the disk offering |
provisioningtype | provisioning type used to create volumes. Valid values are thin, sparse, fat. |
storagetype | the storage type for this disk offering |
tags | the tags for the disk offering |
vspherestoragepolicy | the vsphere storage policy tagged to the disk offering in case of VMware |
zone | the zone name(s) this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable. |
zoneid | the zone ID(s) this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable. |