Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Lists clusters.

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
allocationstatelists clusters by allocation statefalse
clustertypelists clusters by cluster typefalse
hypervisorlists clusters by hypervisor typefalse
idlists clusters by the cluster IDfalse
keywordList by keywordfalse
managedstatewhether this cluster is managed by cloudstackfalse
namelists clusters by the cluster namefalse
podidlists clusters by Pod IDfalse
showcapacitiesflag to display the capacity of the clustersfalse
zoneidlists clusters by Zone IDfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe cluster ID
allocationstatethe allocation state of the cluster
clustertypethe type of the cluster
cpuovercommitratioThe cpu overcommit ratio of the cluster
hypervisortypethe hypervisor type of the cluster
managedstatewhether this cluster is managed by cloudstack
memoryovercommitratioThe memory overcommit ratio of the cluster
namethe cluster name
ovm3vipOvm3 VIP to use for pooling and/or clustering
podidthe Pod ID of the cluster
podnamethe Pod name of the cluster
resourcedetailsMeta data associated with the zone (key/value pairs)
zoneidthe Zone ID of the cluster
zonenamethe Zone name of the cluster
capacity(*)the capacity of the Cluster
capacityallocatedthe capacity currently in allocated
capacitytotalthe total capacity available
capacityusedthe capacity currently in use
clusteridthe Cluster ID
clusternamethe Cluster name
namethe capacity name
percentusedthe percentage of capacity currently in use
podidthe Pod ID
podnamethe Pod name
typethe capacity type
zoneidthe Zone ID
zonenamethe Zone name