Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference
adds a range of portable public IP's to a region
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
endip | the ending IP address in the portable IP range | true |
gateway | the gateway for the portable IP range | true |
netmask | the netmask of the portable IP range | true |
regionid | Id of the Region | true |
startip | the beginning IP address in the portable IP range | true |
vlan | VLAN id, if not specified defaulted to untagged | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
id | portable IP range ID |
endip | the end ip of the portable IP range |
gateway | the gateway of the VLAN IP range |
netmask | the netmask of the VLAN IP range |
regionid | Region Id in which portable ip range is provisioned |
startip | the start ip of the portable IP range |
vlan | the ID or VID of the VLAN. |
portableipaddress(*) | List of portable IP and association with zone/network/vpc details that are part of GSLB rule |
accountid | the account ID the portable IP address is associated with |
allocated | date the portal IP address was acquired |
domainid | the domain ID the portable IP address is associated with |
ipaddress | public IP address |
networkid | the ID of the Network where ip belongs to |
physicalnetworkid | the physical network this belongs to |
regionid | Region Id in which global load balancer is created |
state | State of the ip address. Can be: Allocatin, Allocated and Releasing |
vpcid | VPC the ip belongs to |
zoneid | the ID of the zone the public IP address belongs to |