Response Name | Description |
id | the id of the VPC |
account | the owner of the VPC |
cidr | the cidr the VPC |
created | the date this VPC was created |
displaytext | an alternate display text of the VPC. |
distributedvpcrouter | is VPC uses distributed router for one hop forwarding and host based network ACL's |
domain | the domain name of the owner |
domainid | the domain id of the VPC owner |
fordisplay | is vpc for display to the regular user |
icon | Base64 string representation of the resource icon |
ip6routes | The routes for the network to ease adding route in upstream router |
name | the name of the VPC |
network | the list of networks belongign to the VPC |
networkdomain | the network domain of the VPC |
project | the project name of the VPC |
projectid | the project id of the VPC |
redundantvpcrouter | if this VPC has redundant router |
regionlevelvpc | true if VPC is region level |
restartrequired | true VPC requires restart |
state | state of the VPC. Can be Inactive/Enabled |
vpcofferingid | vpc offering id the VPC is created from |
vpcofferingname | vpc offering name the VPC is created from |
zoneid | zone id of the vpc |
zonename | the name of the zone the VPC belongs to |
service(*) | the list of supported services |
name | the service name |
capability(*) | the list of capabilities |
canchooseservicecapability | can this service capability value can be choosable while creatine network offerings |
name | the capability name |
value | the capability value |
provider(*) | the service provider name |
id | uuid of the network provider |
canenableindividualservice | true if individual services can be enabled/disabled |
destinationphysicalnetworkid | the destination physical network |
name | the provider name |
physicalnetworkid | the physical network this belongs to |
servicelist | services for this provider |
state | state of the network provider |
tags(*) | the list of resource tags associated with the project |
account | the account associated with the tag |
customer | customer associated with the tag |
domain | the domain associated with the tag |
domainid | the ID of the domain associated with the tag |
key | tag key name |
project | the project name where tag belongs to |
projectid | the project id the tag belongs to |
resourceid | id of the resource |
resourcetype | resource type |
value | tag value |