Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Updates resource limits for an account or domain.

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
resourcetypeType of resource to update. Values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. 0 - Instance. Number of instances a user can create. 1 - IP. Number of public IP addresses a user can own. 2 - Volume. Number of disk volumes a user can create. 3 - Snapshot. Number of snapshots a user can create. 4 - Template. Number of templates that a user can register/create. 6 - Network. Number of guest network a user can create. 7 - VPC. Number of VPC a user can create. 8 - CPU. Total number of CPU cores a user can use. 9 - Memory. Total Memory (in MB) a user can use. 10 - PrimaryStorage. Total primary storage space (in GiB) a user can use. 11 - SecondaryStorage. Total secondary storage space (in GiB) a user can use. true
accountUpdate resource for a specified account. Must be used with the domainId parameter.false
domainidUpdate resource limits for all accounts in specified domain. If used with the account parameter, updates resource limits for a specified account in specified domain.false
max Maximum resource limit.false
projectidUpdate resource limits for projectfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
accountthe account of the resource limit
domainthe domain name of the resource limit
domainidthe domain ID of the resource limit
maxthe maximum number of the resource. A -1 means the resource currently has no limit.
projectthe project name of the resource limit
projectidthe project id of the resource limit
resourcetyperesource type. Values include 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. See the resourceType parameter for more information on these values.
resourcetypenameresource type name. Values include user_vm, public_ip, volume, snapshot, template, project, network, vpc, cpu, memory, primary_storage, secondary_storage.