Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Updates a project

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
idid of the project to be modifiedtrue
accountnew Admin account for the projectfalse
displaytextdisplay text of the projectfalse
roletypeAccount level role to be assigned to the user/account : Admin/Regularfalse
swapownerwhen true, it swaps ownership with the account/ user provided. Ideally to be used when a single project administrator is present. In case of multiple project admins, swapowner is to be set to false,to promote or demote the user/account based on the roleType (Regular or Admin) provided. Defaults to truefalse
useridID of the user to be promoted/demotedfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe id of the project
cpuavailablethe total number of cpu cores available to be created for this project
cpulimitthe total number of cpu cores the project can own
cputotalthe total number of cpu cores owned by project
createdthe date this project was created
displaytextthe displaytext of the project
domainthe domain name where the project belongs to
domainidthe domain id the project belongs to
iconBase64 string representation of the resource icon
ipavailablethe total number of public ip addresses available for this project to acquire
iplimitthe total number of public ip addresses this project can acquire
iptotalthe total number of public ip addresses allocated for this project
memoryavailablethe total memory (in MB) available to be created for this project
memorylimitthe total memory (in MB) the project can own
memorytotalthe total memory (in MB) owned by project
namethe name of the project
networkavailablethe total number of networks available to be created for this project
networklimitthe total number of networks the project can own
networktotalthe total number of networks owned by project
ownerthe account name of the project's owners
primarystorageavailablethe total primary storage space (in GiB) available to be used for this project
primarystoragelimitthe total primary storage space (in GiB) the project can own
primarystoragetotalthe total primary storage space (in GiB) owned by project
projectaccountnamethe project account name of the project
secondarystorageavailablethe total secondary storage space (in GiB) available to be used for this project
secondarystoragelimitthe total secondary storage space (in GiB) the project can own
secondarystoragetotalthe total secondary storage space (in GiB) owned by project
snapshotavailablethe total number of snapshots available for this project
snapshotlimitthe total number of snapshots which can be stored by this project
snapshottotalthe total number of snapshots stored by this project
statethe state of the project
templateavailablethe total number of templates available to be created by this project
templatelimitthe total number of templates which can be created by this project
templatetotalthe total number of templates which have been created by this project
vmavailablethe total number of virtual machines available for this project to acquire
vmlimitthe total number of virtual machines that can be deployed by this project
vmrunningthe total number of virtual machines running for this project
vmstoppedthe total number of virtual machines stopped for this project
vmtotalthe total number of virtual machines deployed by this project
volumeavailablethe total volume available for this project
volumelimitthe total volume which can be used by this project
volumetotalthe total volume being used by this project
vpcavailablethe total number of vpcs available to be created for this project
vpclimitthe total number of vpcs the project can own
vpctotalthe total number of vpcs owned by project
tags(*)the list of resource tags associated with vm
accountthe account associated with the tag
customercustomer associated with the tag
domainthe domain associated with the tag
domainidthe ID of the domain associated with the tag
keytag key name
projectthe project name where tag belongs to
projectidthe project id the tag belongs to
resourceidid of the resource
resourcetyperesource type
valuetag value