Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference
Updates a network offering.
Request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
availability | the availability of network offering. Default value is Required for Guest Virtual network offering; Optional for Guest Direct network offering | false |
displaytext | the display text of the network offering | false |
domainid | the ID of the containing domain(s) as comma separated string, public for public offerings | false |
id | the id of the network offering | false |
keepaliveenabled | if true keepalive will be turned on in the loadbalancer. At the time of writing this has only an effect on haproxy; the mode http and httpclose options are unset in the haproxy conf file. | false |
maxconnections | maximum number of concurrent connections supported by the network offering | false |
name | the name of the network offering | false |
sortkey | sort key of the network offering, integer | false |
state | update state for the network offering | false |
tags | the tags for the network offering. | false |
zoneid | the ID of the containing zone(s) as comma separated string, all for all zones offerings | false |
Response Tags
Response Name | Description |
id | the id of the network offering |
availability | availability of the network offering |
conservemode | true if network offering is ip conserve mode enabled |
created | the date this network offering was created |
details | additional key/value details tied with network offering |
displaytext | an alternate display text of the network offering. |
domain | the domain name(s) this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable. |
domainid | the domain ID(s) this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable. |
egressdefaultpolicy | true if guest network default egress policy is allow; false if default egress policy is deny |
forvpc | true if network offering can be used by VPC networks only |
guestiptype | guest type of the network offering, can be Shared or Isolated |
internetprotocol | the internet protocol of the network offering |
isdefault | true if network offering is default, false otherwise |
ispersistent | true if network offering supports persistent networks, false otherwise |
maxconnections | maximum number of concurrents connections to be handled by lb |
name | the name of the network offering |
networkrate | data transfer rate in megabits per second allowed. |
serviceofferingid | the ID of the service offering used by virtual router provider |
specifyipranges | true if network offering supports specifying ip ranges, false otherwise |
specifyvlan | true if network offering supports vlans, false otherwise |
state | state of the network offering. Can be Disabled/Enabled/Inactive |
supportspublicaccess | true if network offering supports public access for guest networks |
supportsstrechedl2subnet | true if network offering supports network that span multiple zones |
tags | the tags for the network offering |
traffictype | the traffic type for the network offering, supported types are Public, Management, Control, Guest, Vlan or Storage. |
zone | the zone name(s) this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable. |
zoneid | the zone ID(s) this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable. |
service(*) | the list of supported services |
name | the service name |
capability(*) | the list of capabilities |
canchooseservicecapability | can this service capability value can be choosable while creatine network offerings |
name | the capability name |
value | the capability value |
provider(*) | the service provider name |
id | uuid of the network provider |
canenableindividualservice | true if individual services can be enabled/disabled |
destinationphysicalnetworkid | the destination physical network |
name | the provider name |
physicalnetworkid | the physical network this belongs to |
servicelist | services for this provider |
state | state of the network provider |