Apache CloudStack Root Admin API Reference


Stops a system VM.

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
idThe ID of the system virtual machinetrue
forcedForce stop the VM. The caller knows the VM is stopped.false

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe ID of the system VM
activeviewersessionsthe number of active console sessions for the console proxy system vm
agentstatethe agent state of the system VM
createdthe date and time the system VM was created
disconnectedthe last disconnected date of host
dns1the first DNS for the system VM
dns2the second DNS for the system VM
gatewaythe gateway for the system VM
guestvlanguest vlan range
hostidthe host ID for the system VM
hostnamethe hostname for the system VM
hypervisorthe hypervisor on which the template runs
isdynamicallyscalabletrue if vm contains XS/VMWare tools inorder to support dynamic scaling of VM cpu/memory.
jobidthe job ID associated with the system VM. This is only displayed if the router listed is part of a currently running asynchronous job.
jobstatusthe job status associated with the system VM. This is only displayed if the router listed is part of a currently running asynchronous job.
linklocalipthe link local IP address for the system vm
linklocalmacaddressthe link local MAC address for the system vm
linklocalnetmaskthe link local netmask for the system vm
namethe name of the system VM
networkdomainthe network domain for the system VM
podidthe Pod ID for the system VM
podnamethe Pod name for the system VM
privateipthe private IP address for the system VM
privatemacaddressthe private MAC address for the system VM
privatenetmaskthe private netmask for the system VM
publicipthe public IP address for the system VM
publicmacaddressthe public MAC address for the system VM
publicnetmaskthe public netmask for the system VM
publicvlanpublic vlan range
statethe state of the system VM
systemvmtypethe system VM type
templateidthe template ID for the system VM
templatenamethe template name for the system VM
versionthe systemvm agent version
zoneidthe Zone ID for the system VM
zonenamethe Zone name for the system VM